Mr Poker

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mr-poker.el is an Emacs package that allows you to practice memorizing poker cards. It provides functions for shuffling a deck of cards, displaying a specified number of cards, recalling the shuffled cards.

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1 Why this?


[2023-04-24 Mon 18:31]

I must say, the titles of these articles struck a chord with me.

However, in practice, physical playing cards may have their drawbacks. So, I delved into the App Store but was dissatisfied with what I found. And so, I have come up with an idea - I am going to write an Emacs Package myself, using Elisp to implement this function.

I chose to use Emacs Package for two reasons. Firstly, it is where I spend most of my time every day. Secondly, it is a practical application of my three years' worth of Emacs learning.

The name of this Package has already been decided - 扑克先生. To make it sound international, the English name will also be Mr Poker, while the documentation will be in English.

For the license, I will use GPL. Open source and free, following in the footsteps of Linux, even if the code is subpar. Style and sophistication cannot be lost. 😛

The first version will be v0.1.0, following the principles of Semantic Versioning.

As for when I will begin planning and writing code, only time will tell. 😆